How To Build The Best High School Email List?

Introduction High school email lists are one of the best tools you can use to improve your business, especially in this era of digital marketing. That’s because they give you access to a large group of potential customers, who usually have a lot of disposable income and are still living at home with their parents. I’m going to show you how to build an effective high school email list that generates leads and sales for your company — so let's get started! Prioritize emails from demographic and specialty The first thing you should do is look at your email list and see what kind of people are on it. Are they mostly from high schools and colleges? Or, do they include more general audiences like parents and business owners? Once you have identified the audience, then prioritize your emails based on how likely they are to be interested in your product/service. For example, if someone has purchased a product from you in the past then by all means send them a...